
NUCLEO considers it important for its studios to be socially embedded. This point of interest is always considered per location as everything depends on the concrete context in which the studios are located.

NUCLEO started the Moscou-Bernadette project early in 2006, in collaboration with the Department of Arts in the city of Ghent and S.M.A.K.. The project will be concluded in 2010.

Moscou-Bernadette is...

For 3 years now this community-oriented project has developed by way of various minor activities and encounters with visual artists in the two communities. Ideally, participants should consist of young, up-and-coming artists as well as renowned, experienced artists. Through these artistic activities the project is gradually taking shape in the neighbourhoods and the communities are giving shape to the projects. Through the accumulation of experience and our long-term presence we believe that contemporary art can acquire a place of its own in Moscou and Bernadette.
Our main aim is to enter into a dialogue with reality in the community and its inhabitants. Through organising tailor-made activities in the long term we can maintain a balance between the expectations of the community and those of the artists. We are hoping to build up a mutual trust by way of building up tangible and achievable goals that are based on the community itself. This is why there must be a close collaboration between local partners such as primary schools, playground activities, street corner activities, the senior citizens’ centre and neighbourhood-oriented activities. The visibility of the project in the communities cannot be found in an exhibition route or through permanent installations. Moscou-Bernadette does acquire significance however in the encounters between people, the activities we organise but above all in the memories and stories they generate.
Each collaborative partner is responsible for specific tasks: NUCLEO helps to develop content and organises community-oriented activities in Bernadette, the department of Arts monitors social and artistic research and creates a bridge towards the city and S.M.A.K. offers guidance in the line to be followed  by the artists in the neighbourhood. We believe that Moscou-Bernadette has a unique position in the Flemish cultural landscape and that it has initiated an essential dynamism in both neighbourhoods in Ghent.

Gustaaf Callierschool in Bernadette

At the end of 2005 the Gustaaf Callierschool – which is owned by the City of Ghent – was placed at the disposal of various organisations including  NUCLEO who has provided accommodation for 10 artist’s studios in it. The other users come from the social sector, the youth sector and the theatre world. The school is currently awaiting re-development.

The building is situated in the Bernadettewijk in Sint-Amandsberg. This suburb was built in the 20s in the last century in true garden-city style, a trend that blew over from England at the time; the suburb as a whole has very recognisable architectural style. At first sight the area looks quiet and neat. Here children can still play in the street and there is not a noticeably large group of immigrant families living here (below average in Ghent). Nevertheless “Bernadetje” (Little Bernadette) has a bad reputation, and is described by the police and various social services as a ‘difficult neighbourhood’.

When NUCLEO moved into the building the inhabitants initially regarded this with suspicion. There was very little communication between the users of the building and the local community. Acts of vandalism to, around and in the school took place regularly. To deal with the problem the organisations created an integrated approach. This resulted in the plan to re-develop Gustaaf Callierschool as a Cultural Community Centre. The various partners - including NUCLEO – have joined forces under the name ‘Bernadette neighbourhood team’.


Presentatie publicatie Moscou-Bernadette 11/10 @ S.M.A.K.

Activiteiten Bernadette

De Voorgevel van Gustaaf Callier + De deuren van Bernadette #03

sat 26.06.2010

Saar De Buysere trok door de wijk en liet zich inspireren door het behang van verschillende buurtbewoners.

Hugo Azcuy Castillo werkte gedurende 6 maanden samen met een 25-tal jonge buurtbewoners. De Cubaanse kunstenaar koppelt dit aan een van zijn eigen projecten: 'Hugo Itinerary Art'. Dit project gaat over het brengen van kunst op plaatsen waar zoiets niet vanzelfsprekend is.

De deuren van Bernadette #02

sat 08.05.2010

Ondertussen hebben enkele tieners en jongeren van de wijk Bernadette een aantal deuren uit het gebouw onder handen genomen. Deze 'Deuren van Bernadette' zijn te bezichtigen op 8 mei tijdens het Kutunkafestival.

Locatie: 'de site' (ROCSA VZW), jozef II-straat, 9000 Gent

De deuren van Bernadette #01

thu 24.09.2009 - sun 28.02.2010

Hugo Azcuy Castillo (°Cuba) beschildert samen met de tieners en jongeren van Bernadette, de binnendeuren van het Calliergebouw.

Iedereen draagt zijn steentje bij

mon 24 - sun 30.08.2009

De Edugoboom

sun 01 - tue 31.03.2009

Sinterklaas te Bernadette

sat 06.12.2008


sun 25.05 - sun 26.10.2008

een samenwerking van vzw Kapotski en NUCLEO

Activiteiten Moscou

Boekpresentatie | Onvergetelijke Buurt

sun 09.05.2010

Op uitnodiging van NUCLEO, S.M.A.K. en de dienst Kunsten van Stad Gent, werkte de nederlandse kunstenaar Bart Lodewijks tussen 2007 en 2010 in de volkswijk Moscou (Gent Ledeberg).

In teken van dit project wordt op 9 mei de publicatie Onvergetelijke Buurt voorgesteld.

Voor meer informatie, klik hier

Grote Brandnetelshow

fri 25.04.2008

Locatie :: op het grasveld met speelterrein van Moscou-Vogelhoek

Op het programma :: een collectieve en zuiverende brandnetelpluk, een blik in het originele Moscou Herbarium, samen soep maken en proeven en ‘prikkelende netelbaden!


fri 17.08.2007

Wim Van Gotha blogt over de Braambessenshow

Koen Broucke in Moscou

sun 01.01.2006 - thu 31.12.2009

Beeldend kunstenaar Koen Broucke (°1965) maakt tekeningen, schilderijen, video’s, boeken en installaties. In Moscou is Koen gaan graven in het verleden van Gentbrugge.


fri 25.09 - sun 01.11.2009

Oh! Wat is het koud onder dit duister loof! Men is bevreesd van zich zelven! Dit komt omdat men zo klein tegen eene zoo grote natuur is! Ook, welke majesteit waar men zich keere of wende!


thu 01.11.2007 - sun 01.11.2009

De Nederlandse kunstenaar Bart Lodewijks (°1972) bezocht Moscou voor het eerst in 2006. Na dit bezoek en een paar maanden werken in Moscou vertrok hij op residentie naar Curaçao. Daarna werkte hij een jaar lang in Moscou.