Thomas Renwart


Thomas Renwart studied

Textiles Design at LUCA School

of Arts, Ghent and graduated

from his masters in July 2019.

Since then he has worked under

the alias Les Monseigneurs.

A place where the medium of

tapestry and woven objects

function as visual art pieces;

Les Monseigneurs works

closely together with Belgian

weaving mills such as Verilin,

Lampe Textiles and B&T

Textilia, as well as the Dutch

Textielmuseum and TextielLab

Tilburg. Also TexLab Liège is a frequent partner in textiles crime.

Since the beginning of the

COVID-19 pandemic that

haunts the world, Thomas

has felt the urge to go back

to essential techniques and

materials. Working without

weaving mills because of

the lockdown, he has been

focusing on embroidery and

quilting as an addition to the

tapestry forms.

By forming a language and

a visual identity within the

medium of applying layers on

a canvas, he aims to merge

the tapestry weaving and the

applied interventions together.

This is an ongoing research.

Floral researches - such as

starting a big herbarium with

flowers from his mother’s

garden, words, analogue to

digital transitions, scanning,

collecting and surface

interventions belong to his daily

studio work.

Convent Sint Antonius